change bills中文什么意思

发音:   用"change bills"造句
  • bills:    比尔斯; 法案; 立法议案; 帐单; ...
  • no bills:    不准张贴; 不准招贴
  • t-bills:    短期国债
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  1. the draft climate change bill also sets an interim target of a 26 per cent to 32 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2020
  2. "crucially the climate change bill, the first of its kind in any country, demonstrates our determination that this leadership role will continue
  3. the strategy paper sets out how the climate change bill fits into the government s wider international strategy and a range of future domestic policies to achieve its aims
  4. in its new climate change bill, it proposes " a series of clear targets for reducing carbon dioxide emissions-including making the uk's targets for a 60 per cent reduction by 2050 and a 26 to 32 per cent reduction by 2020 legally binding "
  5. the draft climate change bill, the first of its kind in any country, and accompanying strategy, set out a framework for moving the uk to a low-carbon economy, demonstrating the uk s leadership as progress continues establishing a post-2012 global emissions agreement


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